2019 ARMI | BioFabUSA Spring Summit: The Meeting in the Millyard (Manchester, NH - June 19-20, 2019)
/This June 19th and 20th, ARMI | BioFabUSA will hold its annual Spring Summit at the Technology Center Auditorium, 400 Commercial St., Manchester, NH. More specifically, the event will cover technical developments and innovation in the various phases of the engineered tissue manufacturing process:
What Everyone Will be Talking About
We have a jam packed agenda planned. Some intriguing topics we’ll be covering include:
Cell Culture and Harvest
Scaffold Fabrication
Tissue Maturation and Bioreactor Culture
Preservation, Packaging, & Transport
Learn Critical Lessons, Inspiring Stories, and Valuable Insights from our Experts and Speakers
Dr. Alexander Titus, Department of Defense
Jane Lebkowski, Regenerative Patch Technologies LLC
Carolyn Yeago, Georgia Institute of Technology
George Muschler, Cell-X Technologies
Brian Hawkins, Pluristyx
Taby Ahsan, RoosterBio
Doris Taylor, Texas Heart Institute
Alison Hubel, University of Minnesota
William Murphy, University of Wisconsin
Event App
We’re proud to announce our mobile app for ARMI | BioFabUSA Spring Summit: Meeting in the Millyard is now live and can be downloaded.